Campus Information

  • "Welcome Back" from the Humanities Institute

    Dear CLAS faculty,

    Alexis and I wanted to start off the term wishing all a productive 2018 as well as remind you of all the ways UCHI can help inspire and aid your scholarship.

    First off, we want to encourage all eligible faculty and graduate students to apply for UCHI fellowships for 2018-19. Each year, our panel of distinguished reviewers—all from outside UConn--changes, so all proposals are met with fresh impressions. This fellowship year is an excellent opportunity to have time, space, and support to push your research and publishing forward. Application details and forms are here: As always, if you have questions do not hesitate to email Alexis and me directly. Deadline for this year’s applications is February 1, 2018.

    We also wanted to remind everyone that there is still some funding available for conferences and colloquia funding. The application info is here: and 

    The CLAS Dean’s office also generously provides funding for book subventions. Please see this page for details:

    We also encourage and support applications for outside funding. If you would like anonymous feedback on applications, email Alexis ( and she can work to find a reader.

    In regard to moving your work toward an audience, we would encourage you to come to the Publishing NOW! series of talks. Generously co-sponsored by the CLAS Dean’s office, the English Department, and the Asian and Asian American Studies Program, talks this term will feature editors from Duke University Press, Harper’s Weekly, and the University of Massachusetts Press. Details are here:

    Finally, looking forward, we are making steps to create a New England Humanities Consortium. This group will unite Humanities Centers from across the region and will create opportunities to share speakers, create faculty working groups, coordinate humanities activism, and even create cross-school, undergraduate classroom experiences. We are very excited about this potential venture and want to thank Deans Davita Silfen Glasberg and Anne D’Alleva for their support helping UCHI and UConn lead the charge in uniting the region and pushing forward the humanities.

    We appreciate that these are complicated times of change locally, nationally, and internationally. UCHI is committed to working through these transitions together and advocating dialogue, scholarship, and collaboration through the humanities.

    Best wishes for a great term,


    Michael and Alexis,

    Director and Associate Director,

    UConn Humanities Institute

    For more information, contact: Alexis Boylan at