Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Low Back Pain Study

    Dr. Angela Starkweather is seeking volunteers to be part of a paid low back pain study. The research is being done at the School of Nursing at UConn Storrs and is evaluating pain sensitivity over the episode of low back pain. Participation will include completing questionnaires about your pain, undergoing sensory assessment and watching some online modules about low back pain over 6 weeks.

    If you were between the ages of 18-50 years, have experienced low back pain for over 24 hours, but less than 2 weeks and do not have a specific cause of back pain, such as a herniated disc or trauma, you may be eligible to participate. 

    You will not be eligible if you have:

    • A chronic pain condition or other conditions that cause pain;
    • Neurological deficits such as weakness
    • Are pregnant or within 3-months postpartum and 
    • Had previous spinal surgery

    UConn IRB #H17-159 (PI Dr. Angela Starkweather/Leena Kader)

    For more information, contact: Pain Research Study at (860) 486-0592