Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 5/21 Workshop on Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions

    Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions

    Dr. Susan Murphy and Dr. Danny Almirall

    All day workshop Monday, May 21st, 2018 (prior to the Modern Modeling Methods Conference)

    Mobile devices along with wearable sensors facilitate our ability to deliver supportive treatments anytime and anywhere.  Indeed mobile interventions are being developed and employed across a variety of health fields, including to support HIV medication adherence, encourage physical activity and healthier eating as well as to support recovery in addictions.  Just-in-time adaptive interventions are mobile health interventions that include notifications or other types of pushes to the user.   This workshop will discuss the components of just-in-time adaptive interventions with an eye towards how we might use data to inform the development of these components.  We will discuss the design of micro-randomized trial for providing useful data.  Lastly a critical question in the optimization of mobile health interventions is:  "When and in which contexts, is it most useful to deliver treatments to the user?"  This question concerns time-varying dynamic moderation by the context (location, stress, time of day,  mood, ambient noise, etc.)  of the effectiveness of the treatments on user behavior.   We will review and discuss methods for using micro-randomized trial data to assess moderation.  Throughout we will illustrate the concepts using trials in a variety of domains including trials aimed at improving engagement in mobile health interventions, in smoking cessation and in  physical activity.

    The cost to attend the workshop is $125.  Registration will begin in January, 2018.

    For more information, contact: Betsy at