Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 4/22 Bayla Ostrach / Health Policy in a Time of Crisis

    Sat., April 22, 5 p.m. Bayla Ostrach presents her book Health Policy in a Time of Crisis: Abortion, Austerity, and Access at UConn Barnes & Noble at Storrs Center

    Scholars and students in the field of public health, gender studies, and anthropology, or the general reader interested in the politics of abortion and public health, will be interested in Health Policy in a Time of Crisis: Abortion, Austerity, and Access. This ethnographic account, from Routledge Press, captures women and providers’ experiences as they navigated the Catalan health care system to access and provide publicly funded abortion care in the context of the recent global economic crisis.

    Co-sponsored with UConn Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology Scholars Initiative.

    Bayla Ostrach, MA, PhD (UConn), is an Assistant Professor of Medical Anthropology and Cross-Cultural Practice. Her research explores reproductive justice, publicly funded health systems, syndemics, and the role of social and mutual support in people’s ability to overcome obstacles. Dr. Ostrach’s fieldwork in Catalunya continues, examining deteriorations in publicly funded reproductive health care, and, recently community movements focused on inclusivity.


    For more information, contact: UConn Barnes & Noble at 860-486-8525