Arts and Entertainment

  • Podcast about English majors

    Have you struggled with reading or focusing on the material for class? So has Ali Oshinskie, creator and host of Professors Are People Too, a podcast about the person behind the English Ph.D. In the most recent episode, Ali meets Professor Dwight Codr, the typical English professor and assumes that this semester, too, will be a drag. Through office hours and a game of chess, she finds that “typical” might not be the best word to describe what goes on in the English department.  

    Professors Are People Too is a podcast about the friends you didn't know you could have, the advice you didn't know you could ask for, and the professors you didn't know were people. Trying to rebuild the professor-student relationship, host Ali Oshinskie takes us on a tour of the professors who transformed her learning experience from lecture-hall lost to office-hour happy. In collaboration with University of Connecticut’s English Department and WHUS, UConn’s Sound Alternative, this podcast ventures off the syllabus into lessons that can’t be graded.

    To listen to the most recent episode on Dwight Codr, click here.

    To explore the rest of the series, click here. 

    For more information, contact: Ali at