Training and Professional Development

  • 4/25 The President's Series on Teaching Excellence

    The President’s Series on Teaching Excellence

    Great Universities have Great Teachers and the University of Connecticut is blessed with more than its fair share.  The President’s series on Teaching Excellence is designed to provide a forum to facilitate discussion and reflection on the journey from good teaching to great teaching.  Come join your faculty and staff colleagues for a lively and engaging discussion as we explore the essence of being a great teacher. 

    The 2017 Speaker for the President’s Series on Teaching Excellence is Professor Mitch Green, Philosophy

    “Channeling Your Inner Dweeb: How to (Re)Connect to Your Intellectual Passion and Inspire Your Students”

    In this talk Mitch Green will advocate connecting (or reconnecting) to the point in your intellectual career when you found yourself fascinated by the field in which you now teach. Why did it seem so interesting, and what did you want to know more about? You can then use that epiphanic moment to inspire your students to appreciate why they should be no less obsessed with your field than you were. As a case study he will use his own geeky fascination with the varieties of meaning and ambiguity in language to explain some techniques he has found useful in provoking student interest in what might otherwise seem a dry and abstract field (Philosophy).


    When: April 25, 2017 4:00- 5:00pm

    Where: Dodd Auditorium

    Wine and Cheese Reception to Follow

    Please RSVP here by April 14th

    For more information, contact: Stacey Valliere at