Training and Professional Development

  • 3/10 CT Women in Higher Education Conference

    Whether entry-level staff, tenure-track faculty, or senior administrator, we all can experience the pull of professional and personal priorities into several, equally important directions. Yet, the state of being busy can sometimes be our own worst enemy where we lose efficiency, purpose, and enjoyment of the task itself. Mindfulness is a tool to both prevent and treat this burnout feeling. At the Spring 2017 CT ACE Women's Network Conference held on Friday, March 10 at Trinity College in Hartford, we will hear from seasoned professionals on how to increase our resilience mentally, physically, and socially. We have incorporated the feedback offered at previous conferences to offer a new, unique program structure to include a session of breakout discussions where YOU, as the expert of what has worked for you, will participate actively in the discussion of how to be more mindful in the workplace. We look forward to welcoming you to Trinity College on March 10th!

    Parking will be a 10 minute walk from Mather Hall. Please, let us know if you need accessible parking.

    Any questions can be sent to the Events Chair, Amy McKeon, at

    For more information, contact: Amy McKeon at