Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Student Employee of the Year

    Nominate a Student Today for a Student Life Award!

    Student Employee of the Year

    Award Sponsor: Office of Student Financial Aid Services- Scholarships & Student Employment

    Award Background/History: This award was established in 2005.

    Award Description: This award honors the outstanding contributions and achievements of students who work on-campus or earn their work-study off-campus in community service positions at agencies with an established Federal Work-Study contract with the University.

    Eligible Nominees: All students employed on the Student Labor or Work-Study Payroll

    Eligible Campuses: All Campuses

    Additional Eligibility Criteria: 1) Nominees must be currently employed. 2) Nominees must not have been on any form of academic probation during the past two semesters. 3) Nominees must not have been on any form of conduct-related probation during the past two semesters.

    Monetary Award: None

    For more information, contact: Shari Latif at