Student Activities

  • eMagazine: March UConn Student Health 101

    UConn  Faculty and Staff Members -


    As a service to the UConn  community, we are providing an online subscription to Student Health 101. Student Health 101 is a monthly health and wellness magazine. Each issue contains valuable information that will help students make better decisions and can help you gain a better understanding of the health and wellness challenges that face today’s students.


    You can read the March issue of The Parent Perspective online at .


    You’re also invited to read the accompanying Student Health 101 issue for our students, online at .


    The March issue has some great articles including:

    - The Five Elements of Fitness: Incorporate new strategies to maximize results

    - Feed Your Body, Nourish Your Mind: How what you eat affects the way you feel

    - What's Your Learning Style?: Ways to apply what works for you

    - The 8 Hour Advantage: Discover the science behind shut-eye

    - The Study Drug Debate: Do they create an academic advantage?

    - UCookbook: Comfort Food Makeovers

    - FitnessU: Gym-Free Routines

    - And much more…


    And if you missed it – be sure to check out February's issue, with Solo & Satisfied, Capturing Your Creativity, Get More From Your Core, Stop, Collaborate and Listen and more, at .


    Thanks for taking the time to read Student Health 101!


    Alice Lowe, Chairperson

    Student Affairs Committee

    Undergraduate Student Government

    For more information, contact: Undergraduate Student Government at (860) 486 - 3708