Additional UConn Information

  • 3/18-22 Business Continuity Awareness Week

    Do you know what it means for UConn to be Resilient? Do you know what the term Business Continuity means? Do you know why having a Business Continuity strategy is important? Are you aware of UConn’s Business Continuity strategy or what your role might be in successfully executing it?

    Monday, March 18, begins Business Continuity Awareness Week for 2013. Business Continuity Awareness Week is an annual global event facilitated by the Business Continuity Institute. Its purpose is to provide a vehicle to raise the awareness of and to showcase the value of Business Continuity as an integrated part of an organization’s strategy.

    At UConn, we recognize the threats posed by natural and man-made hazards to our campus and mission. We need to work together to sustain the university’s teaching, research, and public service responsibilities in light of the damage, repair delays, and financial difficulty that disasters can bring to a community. Our goal is to withstand the effects of probable hazard events without unacceptable losses or interruptions, in other words, to be resilient. Once aspect of resilience is to develop a Business Continuity strategy.

    Each day next week, we’ll be publishing a brief explanation of different aspects of a Business Continuity Strategy.

    For more information, contact: Victor Font, UITS Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery Coordinator at