Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 12/10 Study with CLAS

    Come and get rewarded for studying with the CLAS Student Leadership Board!

    We will have quiet study rooms (Oak 239, 267, 268, 269) and rooms for collaboration (Oak 201, 235) for CLAS students to prepare for finals. Join us from 10am-8pm on Saturday (12/10) and Sunday (12/11) to study!

    There will be FREE pizza delivered at 3 pm each day and snacks provided throughout both Saturday and Sunday, as well as giveaways of water bottles, t-shirts, and more! The longer you study, the better your chances to win!

    You might also win a gift card to Dunkin Donuts! The drawing for this will be at 8 pm each day.

    For more information, contact: John Ovian at