Special Events and Receptions

  • Fulbright Scholars and Alumni Event

    Fulbright Invitation: April 17, 2016   Diversity, History and Literature – Harriet Beecher Stowe and Mark Twain museums, lunch and socializing!

    Dear Fulbright Scholars and CT Alumni: 

     The Connecticut chapter of the Fulbright Association is pleased to invite you to get off campus, meet your fellow visiting Fulbrighters and alumni, and experience some unique American culture.

    WHAT: Our visit will include admission to both museums, a presentation on world-famous author Samuel Clements (better known as Mark Twain, author of American literature classics Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn), followed by lunch at the museum.  Our outings always include FUN and SOCIALIZING.

    WHEN: Sunday, April 17. The tour will start at 10:00 AM and our visit should end around 1:30 PM in the afternoon.

    RSVP Deadline for joining our group is April 7 (so we can make lunch reservations).

    WHO: Visiting Fulbrighters, their partners and families and CT Fulbright Alumni.

    COST: We are requesting a $5 donation per person from participating international Fulbrighters; attendees are welcome to bring their partner and families, including children (free).  CT Alumni are  requested to donate $10 per person, but volunteer drivers are free!

    WHERE:  Mark Twain House http://www.marktwainhouse.org/ and Museum in Hartford, CT  http://www.marktwainhouse.org/visitor/hours_directions.php .   Meet at the Gift Shop by 10 AM.

    TRANSPORTATION:  We can try to provide transportation for international Fulbrighters; please let us know your location and needs (your specific address and phone contact).

    If you have a car and can carpool, please let us know (invite an international friend who has a car!)  For Yale and Fulbrighters near New Haven, Yale OISS is our gathering and departure spot, departure at 9:00  A.M.

    ALUMNI: All are welcome.  We appreciate volunteer drivers to pick up our visiting International Fulbrighters -- please let us know if you can offer a ride (think of the fun opportunity to relive your own Fulbright, and vicariously enjoy the experiences of a current international visitor).  Volunteer drivers attend FREE.

    HOW: To sign up for this special outing, or if you have questions, please e-mail Tom Agoston and cc Sandy Senior-Dauer:  kssdauerchst@aol.com    Simply RSVP using Reply to ALL on this note.

    FACEBOOK:  Please also join our group by clicking HERE and see what our Fulbrighters have already shared.

    We look forward to hearing from you soon!

    Sincerely yours,
    Sandy Senior-Dauer, Vice President, Programs, CT Fulbright Alumni Association
    and   Tom Agoston,  Grumpy Secretary CT Fulbright

     More details: To focus on the rich and unique history of Connecticut, we will the historical Harriet Beecher Stowe Center and Mark Twain House and Museum in Hartford.   Our museum visits will include presentations on the life, times and impacts of these world-famous authors who were residents of our state:

    Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote the seminal anti-slavery novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin, in 1852. The world was never the same: Abolition became possible; Emancipation became law.  Stowe’s literature continues to inform today’s debates on Diversity and the history of Slavery.

     Samuel Clemens,  better known as Mark Twain, authored American literature classics Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, and was a renowned global travel writer and interpreter of culture.  Mark Twain is an American literary and cultural treasure.  His home in Hartford, where he spent some of his most productive years, is enjoyable by visitors worldwide.
    These will be followed by a group lunch at the museum, and a lecture and discussion of the relevance to today’s world: e.g. in the 21st century, inequity is everywhere. What would Stowe do?  How critical is travel to awareness of the world and global issues?

    For more information, contact: LuAnn Saunders-Kanabay, Assistant Director, ONS&F at luann.saunders-kanabay@uconn.edu