Volunteer Opportunities

  • 2/9 Join GIVE and Change the World - First Meeting

    Hi everyone,

    Our first meeting will be Tuesday, 2/9 in Family Studies 220 at 7:00p.m. 
    GIVE is a new service organization on campus, meaning we can make this club anything we want. We have a focus on service both in our community and internationally. If you want to travel the world we can make sure you get that chance, but if you want to work at a local food shelter we have the potential to do that too. 
    Our Board:
    President: Eric Ell
    CFO: David Dulberg
    Secretary: Ashley Cloonan
    This is our first semester so we have three executive positions open. These include:
    Vice President:
    Event Coordinator:
    Advertising/Social Media Chair:
    We will talk more about the open positions at the first meeting.
    Hope to see you all there!
    For more information, contact: Ashley Cloonan at ashley.cloonan@uconn.edu