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  • Learn it. Know it. Love it. Black History~AAFSA

    African American History Facts brought to you by African American Faculty and Staff Association

    James William Charles Pennington was a writer, minister, and abolitionist. He escaped slavery in the early 1800s and went on to become the 1st African-American to study at Yale, auditing classes in the school of divinity in the late 1830s. He studied at the university for 4 years, but was not officially allowed to enroll at the university as a degree seeking student. Pennington became an ordained minister leading congregations in the Hartford area. He wrote The Origin and History of the Colored People in 1841, which is one of the earliest works on the history African-Americans in the United States. Celebrate black history and learn about those individuals who shaped the nation.

    James William Charles Pennington:


    For more information, contact: AAFSA at aafsa.uconn@gmail.com