
  • Human Subjects Requested: Kids for Ad Study

    Attention Parents or Family/Friends: Presidents' Day holiday is coming up, what are you doing with the kids??? If you have or know someone with a child 8-11 years, have them join our UConn science study, earn money and learn about healthy eating! Our goal is to understand how children respond to different messages in food ads.  We need your help. You each watch just 3 ads and answer a few short surveys, and your child receives a snack.  In less than an hour, you will help with important food advertising research and receive $30 ($15 each) and paid travel and parking expenses to our Hartford office near CT Science Center.  Study runs through the end of February. Please contact me today. Thank you! This study was approved by the UConn IRB, Protocol #H15-052.

    For more information, contact: Karen Haraghey at or 860.380.1012