Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 3/4 Humphreys Institute Campaign School

    The Humphreys Institute for Political Social Work will hold its Campaign School for Social Workers on March 4-5, 2016 at the School of Social Work in West Hartford, CT. 

    The Campaign School is a two-day workshop that trains social workers to run for elected office; to work in leadership positions at the local, state and federal levels; and/or serve as effective advocates for social change. Even those who do not have any current ambition to run for office are changed by the understanding of their own political power. Attendees meet political social workers, gain exposure to career paths in political settings and learn valuable skills that can be applied to any practice setting. 

    The amazing Kate Coyne-McCoy, MSW will lead Day One. She is an experienced political campaign consultant who has trained more than 8,000 social workers and women through the Humphreys Institute, EMILY’s List and Harvard’s Kennedy School. Day Two includes interactive workshops and gives attendees a closer look into the careers of elected officials and political social workers. 

    We will also be celebrating our 20th anniversary at a reception on that Friday, March 4 from 5:00-7:00pm with Nancy Humphreys and invited guests, including members of Congress and state legislators.  Interested social workers are welcome to join us for the reception regardless if they attend the Campaign School. 

    Anyone interested in attending the Campaign School or our 20th anniversary celebration can reach me at or register online here. We always have a group of attendees from out of the area, so we are happy to help with travel arrangements.

    For more information, contact: Tanya Smith at 860-570-9158