Special Events and Receptions

  • 4/24 Do You Want to Share Your Talent with UConn?

    Do you have a funky talent that your students don't know about? Do you play in a band, juggle, or put Paul Rudd to shame with your amazing lip-syncing ability? If so, come on down and show UConn what you've got!

    We are establishing positive traditions for Spring Weekend that incorporate UConn faculty and staff, and what better way to show that UConn Learns, UConn Serves, and UConn Cares, than a talent show in Fairfield way on called UCTV Presents: UCONN's GOT TALENT: Student and Faculty/Staff Edition. Come and represent your department or program and show students that the faculty and staff care! If you are a faculty or staff member with a talent or performance lasting from 5-8 minutes, please sign up!

    This event will take place on Friday, April 24th, 2015 and is an official Spring Weekend event. It will run for about 3 hours midday into evening. 

    Students, faculty, and staff members are encouraged to nominate their professors or colleagues for this event.

    For more information, contact: Sara Tewksubry at humanrelations@uctv.uconn.edu