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  • Mansfield Local Government Academy

    Are you interested in learning more about your community's government and operations?  Consider signing up for the next session of the Local Government Academy!

    The Mansfield Local Government Academy (LGA) is a 12-class program designed to educate and familiarize citizens with all aspects of their Town government. Informed citizens lead to more engaged citizens. 

    Classes are convened in a variety of Town facilities and run from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on Thursdays. Discussions are led by staff members who are responsible for leading and managing the various departments and functions of local government. There is no cost to enroll and a light dinner will be provided. Class size will be between 15 and 20 enrollees.

    Classes are held once a week (with the exception of “off weeks” occurring around the holidays) beginning in September and running throughout the fall through mid-December, and participants are expected to commit to attend at least 10 of the 12 sessions.

    More than 50 residents have completed this program over the past three years, and many are now serving in elected positions, or as volunteers on key boards and committees.  Here is what they say about the program:

    “This is a great program. It’s amazing the services and programs our town supports.”

    “All speakers have been clear in relaying their mission, explaining in easy-to- understand terms.”

    “Really, all classes were excellent. There was not one I did not enjoy.”

    “I am a much more informed citizen voter.”

    "I enjoyed all of these sessions.  Very enlightening!"

    Graduates will earn a framed certificate as well as a limited edition Town of Mansfield sign.


    Contact the Town Manager's Office to Register for Fall of 2024--session Starts September 12!

    To register for the Fall 2024 sessions please call the Town Manager's office at 860-429-3336, or email


    Learn More: 

    For more information, contact: Town of Mansfield at 860-429-3336