Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Nominations Open: Neag Alumni Society Awards

    Do you know outstanding Neag alumni? 

    The Neag Alumni Society is seeking nominations for the Neag Alumni Society Annual Awards. Please consider nominating a Neag alum for one of the six prestigious awards. Materials needed: nomination form, letter from nominator, two letters of support and resume/Vita. Click here for specific award categories, criteria, and nomination form. Online submission preferred. Start gathering materials now, so you don't miss the Tuesday, November 11, 2014 deadline

    Awardees will be notified in December and honored at the 17th Annual Neag Alumni Society Awards Celebration on Saturday, March 28, 2015. 

    See video of last year’s winners.


    Robyn Wilgis

    Director of Alumni Relations

    Neag School of Education

    For more information, contact: Robyn Wilgis at or 860-486-6044