Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

  • Pottery and the Vessel this summer at UConn

    Open to all, with no prerequisites:

    Pottery and the Vessel, Art 3610

    This course introduces you to designing and creating clay forms through working on the pottery wheel. The emphasis will be on the investigation of the wheel-thrown vessel form, including some hand-built elements. You will become familiar with all aspects of the ceramic forming process, including clay mixing, glazing, and kiln firing. This course may be repeated for credit, with an adjustment for more advanced content.


    • Summer 1:  6/2/14 – 7/3/14

    M-Th 9:00-1:00


    • Summer 2:  7/7/14 – 8/8/14

    M-Th 9:00-1:00


    For more information, contact: Chotsani Dean at, (860) 486-5720