Facilities and Transportation

  • From Facilities/Operations In Preparation For Fall

    Dear UConn Community:

    Greetings from Facilities Operations. As we continue to plan for student, faculty, and staff return to campus in August, we want to provide information on the measures Facilities Operations is taking to prepare for a safe return, while providing some departmental guidance to ensure our transition back to in-person learning and working goes smoothly.

    Facilities COVID-19 Safety Measures

    Masks - Cloth or disposable masks will continue to be available while supplies last through Facilities:  https://warehouse.uconn.edu/face-mask-requests/

    Disinfection - Once daily regular cleaning schedules on Monday through Friday will include disinfection of high-touch areas in common spaces. 

    Hand Sanitizer - Hand sanitizer stations will be located in main entrance areas, typically one per building.

    Disinfectant Sprays and Wipes - Disinfectant sprays and wipes will no longer be regularly available in campus buildings, but the University still has disinfectant solution in gallon containers in stock that we will make available for pickup upon request at a later date.  Check https://warehouse.uconn.edu/ for availability.

    Plexiglas Barriers – The State of Connecticut and University is no longer recommending Plexiglas barriers as a COVID-19 mitigation strategy. If you have Plexiglas installed by Facilities Operations that you would like removed, please submit a work order to Facilities to have it removed. 

    Ventilation - Although not required, out of an abundance of caution and to provide an elevated level of comfort, Facilities Operations in collaboration with Environmental Health and Safety will be supplying stand-alone filtration units for all classrooms and teaching labs that do not have the mechanical means to bring in outside fresh air via the building ventilation system. In addition, all heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems have been maintained.  For more information, and to see what Facilities Operations is doing to operate and maintain the ventilation systems in response to Covid-19 please visit http://media.ehs.uconn.edu/Ventilation.pdf

    Signage - General behavior signage will be updated and posted in common areas and entrances where appropriate; and will be available for download for your supplemental use.    When you return to campus, please remove any outdated signs in your office areas.  For more info, please visit  https://ehs.uconn.edu/ehs-covid-resources/#collapsepanel-5207-2-0-11


    Department Guidance

    Over the next several weeks, we urge you to ask individuals currently approved to be on campus through the on-campus registry and/or to obtain permission for those not on the registry to walk through all your physical spaces and report any facility-related issues.

    While Facilities Operations has been conducting periodic walkthroughs of buildings on campus, we do not have the resources to check every individual space on campus frequently, and we encourage you to take advantage of the summer months to put in work requests as early as possible.

    From temperature issues to lights out, we want to be sure everything is checked and in proper order.  An early assessment by you will help us avoid future delays in response time for work orders as Facilities looks to scale up our operations to meet the needs of a broader return to campus in the future.

    Facilities-related issues should be reported through the Facilities Operations Center at 860-486-3113, through the myUConn app, or on our website at https://fo.uconn.edu/.

    In addition, ITS is available to help you set up your devices and troubleshoot IT issues when you return to the office. Visit techsupport.uconn.edu/device-setup for step-by-step instructions on how to install your workstation, monitors, and other equipment and make sure they are working properly. If you need assistance, contact the ITS Technology Support Center at techsupport.uconn.edu, techsupport@uconn.edu, or 860-486-4357.

    Additionally, please remember to call 911 for issues that need immediate police, fire or emergency response.

    Thank you,

    Facilities Operations Team


    For more information, contact: Facilities/Operations at facilities_operations@uconn.edu