Fraternity and Sorority Events

  • 11/5 DPhiL pressents Suzan Nguyen

    Suzan was involved in a traumatic car accident at the age of 22, and as a result of that, her right arm was amputated. Suzan had to retrain her brain to be positive, to remain resilient and to persevere. It wasn’t easy but giving up and giving in to the negativity was not an option.

    In this keynote, Suzan shares her journey with students and teaches them to discover a path where they choose to Be Better, Not Bitter.

    She shares her experience in overcoming major adversity and the trials and tribulations that led her to embrace and accept her new reality. Suzan connects with her audiences on a very personal and emotional level as she shares my journey through the darkness of being bitter, and into the light of being better.

    This interactive event will allow students to think about and think about mental health and vulnerability, and how it translates into their personal and academic lives. Please be prepared with a pen and paper prior to the event.

    The event will be held via Zoom on November 5th @ 7PM-8PM EST. 

    Zoom Link:

    ID: 894 7567 7841

    Password: 110520



    For more information, contact: Nicole Lam at