Safety, Health, and Wellness

  • 4/13 Guided Meditation with SHaW and The Benton

    Decompress in a virtual art space.

    Mondays through May 4.  6pm

    Find a quiet area of your home and join Nishelli Ahmed at 6pm for guided meditation.

    UConn's Student Health and Wellness department and The Benton have joined together to bring you virtual meditation over Zoom. Our intention for Meditation Monday is to offer a virtual space, free and open to the public, to engage in practices that support mental wellbeing and help build community and connection through this difficult time.

    This program is open to students, staff, faculty, and the community.

    To Join Zoom Meeting copy and paste this link into your browse or download zoom.  Please check in early to ensure the link or app works on your device.

    Meeting ID: 910 033 5660

    This Zoom meeting is secured by the moderator (SHaW).

    For more information, contact: Benton Museum at