Scholarly Colloquia and Events

  • 5/20 Toxicology Scholars Colloquium - Terrance Kavanagh

    The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences invites you to attend a Toxicology Scholars Colloquium seminar on Monday, May 20, 2019, from 10:00am - 11:00am, Pharmacy/Biology Building (PBB), room 338

    Colloquium Speaker: Terrance Kavanagh, Ph.D., Sheldon D. Murphy Endowed Professor of Toxicology and Environmental Health Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences, University of Washington

    Colloquium Title: “Genetic Determinants of Nanomaterial-Induced Lung Inflammation and Allergic Airway Disease in Mice”

    Research Interests

    Glutathione metabolism, Analytical cytology, In vitro toxicology, Transgenic models, Toxicology of reactive oxygen/nitrogen species, Toxicogenomics, Nanotoxicology, Systems toxicology.

    Glutathione (GSH) is an important endogenous antioxidant that has roles in free radical scavenging, protecting against reactive oxygen/nitrogen species and in the metabolism/excretion of xenobiotics. Our laboratory has established in vitro and in vivo transgenic mouse models of altered glutathione (GSH) synthesis. We are using these mice to investigate the effects of altered GSH synthesis on susceptibility to various exposures including air pollutants, engineered nanomaterials, and various drugs and environmental chemicals. We are also interested in the role of GSH synthesis in individual susceptibility of humans to free radical and toxicant-mediated injury. We are conducting studies to determine the effects of genetically altered GSH synthesis on cellular susceptibility to toxicant-induced DNA, protein and lipid damage, cell signaling and apoptosis. We are also interested in the factors that regulate the expression of GSH related genes in humans, rodents and other species.

    For more information, contact: Dr. Jose Manautou at 860-486-3852