Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer with the UConn SOS Food Recovery Program

    Are you often concerned about the food waste that is generated on campus? Is eliminating food insecurity in the community something that you are passionate about? If so...apply to be a volunteer for SOS Food Recovery!

    We are a Community Outreach group that collects surplus food from the UConn Cafes and dining halls and donates it to the Covenant Soup Kitchen in Willimantic. Leftover food that would have been thrown out each night is consolidated for our volunteers by the cafes and dining halls. Our volunteers pick up that food each morning and deliver it to the Soup Kitchen. By doing this, we work to reduce both food waste and food insecurity in our community! Last semester, we donated 712 food items from the cafes and 31.25 pounds of food from Towers. This semester, we have expanded to work with more dining halls on campus.

    We are looking for dedicated volunteers that can help on a weekly basis for the entire semester for food pickups and deliveries. It is a once a week commitment that can make a huge difference for our community!

    Shift Days/Times: M-F Mornings (once a week commitment on a day of your choice), about a two-hour shift, between 7:30AM-11:30 AM. **transportation can be provided**

    If this sounds like something you want to be involved in, apply under the “forms” section on our UConntact page: https://uconntact.uconn.edu/organization/cofoodrecovery.


    Applications are due at midnight on Saturday, February 9th!

    For more information, contact: Ming at uconn.co.foodrecovery@gmail.com