Health, Wellness, and Safety

  • 3/10 C2 Yoga and Mindfulness Retreat

    UConn Recreation, Counseling and Mental Health Services, Wellness and Prevention, and Four Arrows invite students, staff, and faculty to attend our Connect & Challenge (C2) Yoga and Mindfulness Retreat on Sunday, March 10th in Rome Commons Ballroom!

    Attend a day-long yoga and mindfulness retreat led by Rolf Gates, who conducts Vinyasa Intensives and Teacher Trainings throughout the United States and abroad. His own yoga studio has been named by Travel and Leisure magazine as one of the “Top 25 Yoga Studios Around the World.” He is an engaging Author, Teacher, Presenter and Instructor.

    This program is open to anyone interested in exploring the power of yoga. The only requirement is that you show up, do your best, and let your best be good enough.

    Registation for students is only $10 - and includes both lunch, and a yoga mat for students to take home! Spots will fill quickly, so sign up today!


    For more information, contact: UConn Rec at 860-486-0002