Student Organization Events & Information

  • 10/8 Meet Puppies and Watch a Movie

    Join UConn Paws and Claws for a fun documentary screening! 'The Buddy System' tells the intimate stories of three families touched by autism, who experience meaningful change when a specially trained assistance dog comes into each of their lives. Learn more about this film and its initiatives here:


    Enjoy this very unique viewing experience in the company of North Star Foundation puppies, who are in training to assist children with autism. There will be free snacks provided and a Q&A panel with the producers of the documentary and founder of the therapy dog organization, North Star Foundation. Admission is $2 for UConn students, and $5 for non-UConn students and tickets will be sold at the door. Ticket sales from this event will help UConn Paws and Claws continue to hold events like these and support local animal organizations. This event is also an approved Honors event! 


    The documentary will begin at 7pm in the Student Union Theater on the UConn Storrs campus and doors open at 6:30pm. However, we suggest you arrive early to purchase your ticket, spend time with the puppies, and enjoy some refreshments before the viewing begins.

    For more information, contact: Allie Muro at