Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 9/21 MIS Meet and Greet

    Welcome back MIS students! On Friday, September 21st the OPIM Department will be hosting a Meet and Greet for new and returning MIS students. This Meet and Greet will be a great opportunity to mingle amongst your peers and make connections with faculty in the department. We will be giving tours of OPIM Innovate and the new technology that is available to you. There will be an ice cream bar and free t-shirts, as well as other MIS giveaways.

    The Meet and Greet will be held in the OPIM Gladstein Lab, BUSN  391 from 2:30 - 4:30, no sign-ups are necessary. Stop by for as long as you want. We hope to see you then!

    For more information, contact: Jonathan Moore at