Lectures and Presentations

  • 6/11 Annual NMRbox Summer Workshop Thru June 14

    The NMRbox National Center for Biomolecular NMR Data Processing and Analysis is hosting its annual summer workshop from June 11-14, 2018, at UConn Health.  Lectures and hands-on tutorials will be given for the NMRbox platform, as well as guest presentations covering computational molecular docking and NMR relaxation workflows.  We have an exciting roster of guest presentations scheduled this year.  Alexandre Bonvin (University of Utrecht) will present a full-day workshop on HADDOCK molecular docking.  Art Palmer and Ann McDermott (Columbia University) will present a 2-day workshop on NMR relaxation workflows.  For more information about NMRbox, the workshop syllabus, and instructions to register, please visit: https://nmrbox.org/workshop-2018  Questions: Adam Schuyler (schuyler@uchc.edu)

    For more information, contact: Bridget Clancy-Tenan/Molecular Biology and Biophysics at 860-679-2108/clancy@uchc.edu