Special Events

  • 3/23 Freedom of Speech Dialogue- March 23

    Friday, March 23 – 10:00am- 12pm
    Location: Student Union 310
    The Initiative on Campus Dialogues and Together: Confronting Racism have joined with Community Outreach to coordinate a series of dialogues focused on the intersection of free speech rights and community values. In our current moment of high stakes political polarization – on campus and in the wider world – it is crucial that UConn increase its capacity for respectful negotiation of difference. This second dialogue is organized as a follow-up session focused on taking action on specific ideas identified during the first dialogue. 

    In terms of goals, the sessions are intended to facilitate the airing and acknowledgment of different perspectives, identify potential common ground for action, and generate feedback for determining campus norms and policies, while bearing in mind the President's new Committee on Civil Discourse and Dialogue.
    Our second dialogue will be on Friday, March 23rd at the Student Union 310.
    E-mail student4168@ad.uconn.edu for more information.
    For more information, contact: Community Outreach at student4168@ad.uconn.edu