Construction Update

  • Construction Update February 13

    Managers: Please post this update in your respective areas.

    MDC Water Main through Shuttle Lot 3

    • Project Scope: Installation of a new larger and redundant water supply line to the campus by the Metropolitan District Commission (MDC).
    • Schedule: Excavation work continues in Shuttle Lot #3 adjacent to the bus stop and is expected to be complete in the Spring of 2018.
    • Impacts:
      • Some areas of Shuttle Lot 3 are now barricaded as a construction site. Do not enter the closed area.
      • A new sidewalk connecting 195 Farmington Avenue to Shuttle Lot 3 is planned for the Spring of 2018 allowing pedestrian access to the main campus.

     Structural Beam Repairs

    • Project Scope: Repair a deteriorated structural beam in the subbasement of the A Building.
    • Schedule: Complete 3/1/2018
    • Impacts:
      • The work requires periodic hammer drilling to be scheduled around auditorium activities. Call Trevor Quider (G.L. Capasso) at 860-913-7467 if there are any issues.
      • The exit adjacent to the Massey auditorium is now limited to fire exit only.  Please observe signs, safety fencing and barriers directing pedestrian travel.
      • Three handicap parking spaces are closed in the C Lot at the site.   

     Munson Road Skylight Installation

    • Project Scope: Replace over 100 skylights on three roof levels at Munson Road.
    • Schedule: 105 skylights have been replaced. Some interior trim work and the punch list remains to be completed.
    • Impacts:
      • The work will require temporary closures of some open areas, passages and cubicles for access. Communication will be made to the occupants affected.

     Elevators 27 & 28 Modernization in “E” Building

    • Project Scope:  A complete modernization of the equipment and cabs is planned for elevators 27 & 28 in Building “E”.
    • Schedule: The elevators are now shut down until Late-March, 2018. The new completion date reflects unforeseen conditions causing additional work and downtime.
    • Impacts:
      • A shutdown of both elevators is necessary and in effect. Please use stairs or other elevators until work is complete.
      • Some noise and drilling may be experienced during normal work hours.

     Main Building – Clinic (C) Area Renovations

    • Project Scope: Renovations to Dental care areas, Cardiology, Main Lobby and other clinical areas. Replace mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems associated with the renovated areas.
    • Schedule: Phase 1 complete, Phase 2 complete; 4/2018, Phase 3 and 4; complete 12/2018
    • Impacts:
      • Be aware of posted signage and do not enter construction areas.
      • Construction work may generate some odors and drilling noise, please contact Kevin Norton 860-480-9815 to report any issues.

    Main Accumulation Area Facility (MAA Building)

    • Project Scope: Construction of a new 2,500 sf facility to consolidate chemical waste handling and shipping activities.
    • Schedule: Complete August 2018
    • Impacts:
      • Site lighting has been removed within the construction area which may impact lighting at the East Road parking areas adjacent to the site.
      • For construction related issues please contact: Rich Allen, 860-480-2087.

    Campus Wayfinding Signage

    • Project Scope: Removal and replacement of all exterior wayfinding signs located on the UConn Health Campus at 263 Farmington Avenue, 16 Munson Road, 195 Farmington Avenue and 400 Farmington Avenue.  Phase 1 includes Main Road and a portion of West Road.  Phase 2 includes all other areas.
    • Schedule: Phase I is complete. Phase II will be completed by late March, weather permitting.
    • Impacts:
      • Equipment and materials will continue to be staged in Lot M (across from Garage 2) for distribution around campus. Please be cautious of vehicles entering and exiting the lot.
      • Signs are close to roadways and will require periodic narrowing of lanes to complete work.  Please be cautious when traveling in the area and obey all cones, signage and personnel or officers providing traffic control.

    University Tower Penthouse Access Platforms

    • Project Scope: Install fire damper access platforms located in the penthouse of Building T (University Tower) located on the 8th Floor.
    • Schedule: Multiple deliveries and installation of new permanent platforms will occur between 1/15/18 and mid-February.
    • Impacts:
      • Equipment and materials will be brought in and out via the sub-basement service corridor and Elevator 35 which is the only elevator that services the Penthouse.
      • For construction related issues please contact Janice Hill at 860-480-6392.

    Thomas P. Trutter / Associate Vice President / Campus Planning, Design, and Construction
    Carolle Andrews / Chief Administrative Officer

    For more information, contact: Carrie Nettis at 860-679-6511