Meetings and Events

  • 2/27 and 3/1 Nursing Research Journal Club

    All nursing staff are welcome to Join Us for Nursing Research Journal Club. We will offer two repeat sessions: Please choose Monday, February 27 or Wednesday, March 1, in Onyiuke Dining Room. Each session will be from 12p-1p. Please arrive at 11:30a for pizza and salad. Please register with the UConnLink call center, 860.679.7692.

    Our topic will be, "Diabetes In Adult Patients: Self-Care Behaviors, Social Support, Self-Efficacy, And Motivation".

    The presentation will be on the qualitative and quantitative articles below (please click on article title to access the article for your review). Please be sure to read and appraise the articles PRIOR to Journal Club discussion. The Articles and Appraisal Form are also located on the Nursing Website under the Nursing Research Journal Club link (located on the right side of page).

    Participants will receive 1.0 Nursing Continuing Education Credit(s) for attendance at the complete program and completion of a program evaluation. UConn Health is an Approved Provider Unit of Continuing Nursing Education by the Northeast Multi-State Division (NE-MSD), an Accredited Approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. The speakers, Joan Montgomery and Betty Molle have no disclosures and no conflicts of interest for this presentation.

    For more information, contact: Sue Ellen Goodrich at