Technology and Computing

  • 12/30 Banner Scheduled Maintenance Starts Tonight

    Attention All Banner Users

    This coming weekend is a scheduled maintenance outage for the Banner production environment.

    This work requires the system to be unavailable to end users throughout the outage.

    This weekend the outage window begins at 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 30, and ends at 8 p.m. Sunday, Jan. 1.

    During this time routine server maintenance is performed, software and operating system patches are installed, and other planned server and application work is done as needed.

    The entire Banner production environment will be completely unavailable to you throughout the duration of the outage.

    This includes the Luminis portal, INB, SSB, the APEX/Bridge file interface system, and the ODS reporting environment.

    The Banner test environments are not impacted by this outage and will remain fully available.

    The SciQuest HuskyBuy purchasing system will be up and running during this weekend.

    However, because Banner will be unavailable, purchase orders and purchase requisitions cannot be processed by the purchasing team until the outage window ends.

    No action is required on your part.

    Banner is expected to be fully available on Sunday evening at 8.

    No other messages will be sent unless problems prevent that schedule from being met.

    Please note in advance the current schedule for similar maintenance weekends throughout 2017:

    • January 27-29
    • February 24-26
    • March 24-26
    • April 21-23
    • May 19-21
    • June 30 – July 2
    • July 28-30
    • August 25-27
    • September 22-24
    • October 20-22
    • December 1-3
    • December 29-31
    For more information, contact: Dave Sowalsky at 6236