Lectures and Presentations

  • 12/13 CQM/CPHHP Brown Bag Lunch Series

    Center for Quantitative Medicine/Center for Public Health and Health Policy Brown Bag Lunch Series

    "Agent-based modeling and its applications in healthcare"

    Modeling and simulation are increasingly used in healthcare research, in particular in population health using a systems approach. Examples of application areas include the study of health interventions, such as smoking cessation or weight reduction approaches. So-called agent-based or individual-based models are very popular for this purpose, due to their flexibility and ease of construction. This talk will provide an introduction to agent-based models, their basic structure, with a detailed discussion of some specific models.

    Presented by: Reinhard Laubenbacher, PhD

    Tuesday, December 13, 2016

    11:30am - 12:30pm

    195 Farmington Avenue, 3rd Floor Conference Room U3071 A/B

    For more information, contact: Barbara Styrczula at 860-679-3783