Research, Funding, and Awards

  • 12/16: InCHIP Seed Grant Letter of Intent Deadline

    The Institute for Collaboration on Health, Intervention, and Policy (InCHIP) is very excited to be hosting multiple seed grant competitions this year in a variety of interdisciplinary research areas, including brain and cognitive science and health, community engaged health research, interprofessional health care, and health behavior. Please note that researchers must become an InCHIP Affiliate in order to submit a full proposal for these seed grants. The process to become an InCHIP Affiliate is relatively short, and the application form can be found here.

    Letters of Intent for most of the FY17 InCHIP Seed Grants are due on December 16. In order to be eligible to submit a full proposal, you must submit a Letter of Intent by the appropriate deadline. The Letter of Intent submission form can be found here. The different seed grants, with links to the funding announcements, are:

    If you have any questions about applying for a seed grant, please do not hesitate to email For more information about the InCHIP Seed Grant program in general, please visit our Seed Grant webpage here.

    For more information, contact: InCHIP Seed Grant Program at