Lectures and Presentations

  • 11/18 CAM Research in Progress Guest - Carla Divieto


    Dr Carla Divieto, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica – INRIM, Strada delle Cacce 91, 10135 Torino, Italy.

    Abstract: Non-invasive measurements are essential to investigate cell behavior and function with good level of reliability and accuracy. Understanding the cell-microenvironment interactions investigating living cells can be critical to improve and further develop novel therapeutic approaches. Imaging modalities able to provide real-time non-invasive visualization of cells and their surrounding environment are instrumental for these purposes and essential for applied research. In this talk, I will discuss our ongoing efforts in utilizing non- or minimally invasive methodologies and techniques, such as CARS/SHG/TPEF combined microscopy, atomic force microscopy, bioassays for investigating cell behavior (e.g. cell morphology and proliferation) and cell functions  (e.g. cell differentiation and cancer detection).

    Biography: Carla Divieto received her M.S. degrees in Biological Sciences from Federico II University of Naples. In 2013, she obtained Ph.D. degree in Metrology applied to Regenerative Medicine at the Politecnico of Torino, Turin, under the guidance of Dr M.P. Sassi of the Italian National Institute of Metrological Research, INRIM and in 2009 she completed a Master of Research in Regenerative Medicine at the University of Bath in the United Kingdom. Between 2006 and 2009 she worked at the Istituti Ortopedici Rizzoli in Bologna, starting her research activity in regenerative medicine field, where she isolated, culture and differentiated hundreds of samples of stem cells from patients and animals for preclinical and clinical applications. Carla Divieto is currently a post-doctoral fellow at INRIM in the Quality of Life division and her current research studies are centered on development of new measurement methods and new biomarkers in advanced therapies, such as cell therapies and precision medicine, working on uncertainty in cell counting, uncertainty in PCR and standards for regenerative medicine. Her publications are focused on cellular analysis by non-invasive methods for cell function, structure and behavior monitoring over time.

    Location: CGSB, Demo Room, R1401, 400 Farmignton Ave

    Date: 11/18/2016, 12:00 pm

    For more information, contact: Tiffany at x6103