Training and Professional Development

  • 10/27 New Medical Researcher Professional Category-SOM


    New Medical Researcher Professional Category for School of Medicine Faculty

    This summer, the faculty of the School of Medicine, the Dean and Board of Directors approved a new professional category.  The category of Medical Researcher was developed for individuals with advanced degrees who have completed two years of post-graduate or post-doctoral training and who expect to spend the majority of their time in research activities. These research activities can be primarily in one lab or can be as a director of a research core facility. Faculty in the Medical Researcher professional category design experiments, write manuscripts, participate in writing grant applications, and play important roles in training students and fellows. This category has no promotional clock.  Faculty in this category cannot be in the tenure track. This category is open to those in the In-Residence and Affiliated Tracks.

    If you are wondering if it would be a good career choice to switch to the Medical Researcher professional category, we urge you to attend this workshop offered by the Faculty Affairs Office on October 27 from 8-9:30 am to learn more.  You can register at


    For more information, contact: Donna Patterspn at