Research, Funding, and Awards

  • Annoucement: National Fellowship Incentive Program

    National Fellowship Incentive Program

    The Graduate School, in collaboration with the Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships (ONS&F), is pleased to announce an incentive plan to encourage faculty to support students who apply for prestigious nationally competitive scholarships and fellowships. Faculty are eligible for up to $5,000 in rewards for mentoring students through the process of developing proposals and submitting applications for eligible awards. Faculty interested in the incentive plan should read the eligibility requirements located below before applying.

    Rationale and Goal:  Many UConn students are promising candidates for individual fellowships, but many who are eligible do not apply. Faculty advising, mentoring, and support are vital to the development of quality proposals and successful applications. Therefore, The Graduate School has established an incentive plan designed to broaden and deepen faculty involvement in this particular form of mentoring and to encourage submission of high quality applications from undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in disciplines in which individual fellowships are available.

    Plan Description:

    1. The Graduate School will provide a monetary incentive for faculty advisers who mentor their research advisees through the application process for individual fellowships funded by extramural agencies or foundations. Faculty members whose research advisees apply for an individual fellowship (e.g. NSF GRFP, NIH NRSA, Ford Foundation Dissertation Completion, etc.) will be awarded $1,000 from The Graduate School, which will be deposited into an unrestricted research account (Ledger 4)”. To qualify for this award, the application must be reviewed prior to submission by the student’s program director or faculty mentor, who must verify to The Graduate School that the student’s application meets his/ her standard of quality and/or competiveness. After the application has been submitted, the faculty adviser will provide an electronic copy of the complete application along with evidence that the application has been received by the granting agency. The $1,000 award is given for initial submissions only. While students are encouraged to apply for more than one fellowship, faculty are only eligible for one award per student per year, with a maximum of two awards for mentoring any single student over the course of that student’s career.
    2. If a student’s application is funded, the faculty adviser will receive an additional financial reward of $4,000, deposited in his or her unrestricted research account (Ledger 4). For faculty to be eligible for the $4000 award, student applicants must provide permission for ONS&F to share their successful application with future internal applicants. Non-UConn students will not be allowed to review these successful applications. Applicants with concerns about proprietary elements of their proposal should contact ONS&F staff ( to discuss their concerns. 


    • For more information about his program, please visit:
    For more information, contact: ONS&F at