Research Studies Seeking Participants

  • Did You Deliver a Baby at UConn After Jan 1, 2018?

    Have you delivered a baby at UConn Health after Jan. 1, 2018?

    Seeking volunteers for a research study to determine if underlying excessive aldosterone hormone production [Primary Hyperaldosteronism (PA)] is a pre-pregnancy risk factor for Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy (HDP).

    What is the purpose of the study?
    This study aims to determine if PA is a pre-pregnancy risk factor for HDP. HDP complicates about 10% of pregnancies and can cause a lifetime risk of developing chronic hypertension and cardiovascular disease (also called heart disease). In this study, the researchers will assess if women with history of HDP have higher production of aldosterone compared to women without history of HDP.

    Who can participate?
    Women 18 years of age or older who: delivered a baby at UConn Health after January 1, 2018; either had a diagnosis of HDP during pregnancy or were normotensive during pregnancy; are not currently pregnant; and are able to have blood drawn in the morning.

    What’s involved in participating?
    Participation will involve 1 study visit which includes having blood pressure, height, and weight taken, having a single blood draw and providing a urine sample.

    Is there compensation?
    You will be compensated for participating with a $30 virtual gift card after completing all study procedures.


    If you have any questions, would like additional information about the study, or are
    interested in participating, contact Jillian Mcnamara at 860-679-4581 or by email at

    Study Principal Investigator: Tarunya Vedere, MD

    IRB #: 24-132-2

    For more information, contact: Jillian Mcnamara at 860-679-4581