Training and Professional Development

  • 12/16 Statistics Workshop: Introduction to R and RStudio

    The UConn Statistical Consulting Services will be offering a two-day, in-person Introduction to R workshop.

    Dec. 16 and 17

    The workshop will cover foundational topics in R programming, including data handling and manipulation, as well as more advanced topics, including data simulation and visualization.

    Where & When
    Workshops will be held in-person in the Innovation Partnership Building (IPB, Discovery Drive, Storrs) Room 317

    9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

    Cost and Registration
    The cost is $50/day for UConn affiliates. 
    Registration includes Breakfast, Coffee, & Lunch
    Register here:


    About the SCS
    UConn’s Statistical Consulting Services offers free on-demand statistical consulting on issues arising from the preparation of grant proposals, the analysis of data, and interpretation of results. Online consulting is available with no charge. The SCS also accepts collaborative consulting projects. For more information, please email

    For more information, contact: SCS at