We are recruiting volunteers self-identified as either African/African American, Latin American/Hispanic, East/Southeast Asian, South Asian, Middle Eastern, or Other for the study ‘An open resource of human induced pluripotent stem cells lines from diverse population groups’ (JAX iPSC Project).
This study is being conducted to collect blood samples for generation of stem cells by Paul Robson, Ph.D. and researchers at the Jackson Laboratory.
To be eligible you must meet the following criteria:
- Age 18-50 years, inclusive
- Have no history of malignancy in the last 5 years
- Willing to have de-identified and recoded genomic data shared in restricted access online databases
- Willing to agree to broad sharing of derived stem cells (iPSC) including genomic sequencing of iPSCs for general research use
- Must not be pregnant
Your participation will take 30 minutes of your time. The study involves a blood draw and questions regarding your ancestry/race/ethnicity and medical history.
The study aims to recruit a diverse population based on race/ancestry. We currently need volunteers self-identified as either African/African American, Latin American/Hispanic, East/Southeast Asian, South Asian, Middle Eastern, or Other. Recruitment of volunteers self-identified as White/European (non-mixed race) has been completed.
All study participants will be given $50 in compensation
The study is being conducted at the UConn Health Clinical Research Center by Dr. Paul Robson from The Jackson Laboratory.
For further information please call the UConn Health Clinical Research Center and ask for Heather Vargas at (860) 679-1658 or email hvargas@uchc.edu.
IRB# 24-023J-2
For more information, contact: Heather Vargas at hvargas@uchc.edu