Human Resources and Benefits

  • Drug-Free Schools & Campuses Act

    Human Resources & Labor Relations - Drug-Free Schools & Campuses Act and Drug-Free Workplace Act Notification Letter

    The Office of Human Resources and the Office of Faculty & Staff Labor Relations invite all faculty and staff to read the bi-annual Drug-Free Schools & Campuses Act and Drug-Free Workplace Act Policy. UConn Health prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of alcohol, drugs, or other controlled substances at its facilities, sponsored activities, and while employees are on the job or subject to duty. UConn Health provides employees and enrolled students with various information resources regarding health risks, legal and disciplinary sanctions, available assistance, and treatment resources.

    To view the policy and for more related information, please see: 2015-10 Drug-Free Schools and Campuses Act and Drug-Free Workplace Act (

    For more information, contact: Human Resources at