Research Studies Seeking Participants

  • Bone Mineral Density Study Now Enrolling

    The New England Sickle Cell Institute is looking for volunteers to participate in a research study looking at the effects of sickle cell trait on bone mineral density, skeletal muscle function, and frailty.

    What is the Purpose of the Study?

    Nearly 10% of African Americans carry sickle cell trait and most of them are unaware of it. African Americans are less likely to develop thin bones than whites, but if they sustain a bone fracture, they are more likely to die from it. Having sickle cell trait may lead to bone thinning and predispose a subset of African Americans to dangerously thin bones. This study aims to determine the effects of sickle cell trait on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women of African decent and investigate the association of sickle cell trait on skeletal muscle function and frailty in post-menopausal women of African descent.

    Who is Eligible to Participate?

    You can volunteer for this study if you:

    • Are a woman of African descent (e.g. Black, African American, Afro-Caribbean, African) 
    • Are at least 50 years old 
    • Have not had any menstrual bleeding in the last 12 consecutive months 
    • Have no known metabolic bone disorders 
    • Are not taking an investigational drug, oral contraceptives, or medications known to influence bone metabolism


    What is Involved?

    Your participation will involve one visit for a blood draw, a DEXA x-ray scan to measure your bone mineral density and muscle mass, and non-invasive frailty/ physical performance tests including 6-minute walk.

    Study Title: Bone Loss, Physical Function and Frailty in Older Women with Sickle Cell Trait

    Is Compensation Available?

    Yes. Participants will receive a $50 gift card for their participation in this study after the completion of all applicable tests and study procedures.

    PI: Biree Andemariam, MD

    IRB #: 22-327-1

    For more information, contact: Sasia-Marie Jones at 860-541-0036 or

    For more information, contact: Sasia-Marie Jones at 860-541-0036