Happening Today

  • 11a Psychiatry Grand Rounds

    Early parenting intervention to enhance behavioral and biological outcomes of young children:

    The Attachment and Biobehavioral Catch-up (ABC) Approach

    Provided by University of Connecticut School of Medicine Office of Community and Continuing Medical Education and the Department of Psychiatry

    Speaker:    Mary Dozier, Ph.D., University of Delaware

    Time:          11 this morning to noon

    Location:   Webex: https://uchc.webex.com/meet/GR  (or by phone: +1-415-655-0003 US Toll)  // Access code: 800 945 224

                                    *CME credit is only provided to “live” attendance (either in-person or virtual-live) only

    Target Audience: UConn Health faculty, residents, medical students, and other mental health professionals

    Learning Objectives:  Participants will (be able to):

    1. Recognize that adversity affects young children’s attachment quality and physiological regulation.
    2. Recognize that parenting sensitivity can buffer children from effects of early adversity.
    3. Describe effects of an early parenting program on children’s behavior and biology.

    Speaker Disclosure Statement: Dr. Dozier in the role as speaker for this educational event, has no relevant financial relationship(s) with any ineligible companies that could be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest in the context of the subject of this presentation that need to be disclosed.

    Dr. Dozier will not be discussing the off-labeled, or investigational use of any product or device.

    Accreditation: The University of Connecticut School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The University of Connecticut School of Medicine designates this live activity for a maximum of  1  AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

    Conflict of Interest Policy: All faculty members participating in CME activities provided by the University of Connecticut School of Medicine are required to disclose to the program audience any actual or apparent conflict of interest related to the content of their presentations.  Program planners have an obligation to resolve any actual conflicts of interest and share with the audience any safeguards put in place to prevent commercial bias from influencing the content.

    Activity Director Disclosure Statement: Dr. Gregory C. Barron as the activity director for this educational event, has no relevant financial relationship(s) with any ineligible companies that could be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest in the context of the subject of this presentation that need to be disclosed.

    Planning Committee Disclosure Statement: Drs. Cassandra Holinka, Michael Kisicki, Mark Litt, Surita Rao, Andrew Winokur, Kristina Zdanys, and Sharon Freeman as members of the planning committee for this educational event, have no relevant financial relationship(s) with any ineligible companies that could be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest in the context of the subject of this presentation that need to be disclosed.

    Dr. Cutter Lindbergh has a financial interest/arrangement with Janssen Research & Development as a researcher/independent contractor that could be perceived as a real or apparent conflict of interest in the context of his role as planning committee member. The following safeguard(s) have been put in place to avoid the insertion of commercial bias into the content: the Activity Director will peer review the planner’s decisions by persons without relevant financial relationships.

    Commercial Support Statement: This CME activity has no commercial support associated with it.

    Evaluations: Participants are required to complete an electronic evaluation in order to obtain CME Credits.  An email from MyEvaluations.com with instructions will be sent to participants.  Please complete the evaluation within one week of receiving the email. If you do not receive an evaluation assignment from MyEvaluations.com within 10 business days of this activity, please contact the Department that hosted this activity (indicated above) to ensure that your MyEvaluations.com account is set up and your participation in this activity was forwarded to the CME office.

    For more information, contact: Sharon Freeman at sfreeman@uchc.edu