Research Studies Seeking Participants

  • Study on Walnut Consumption & Colon Health

    Currently Enrolling Participants

    Are you going to be scheduled for a routine screening or surveillance colonoscopy at UConn Health? If so, you may be eligible to participate in a 29-day research study examining the effects of walnuts on gut bacteria, inflammatory markers in blood, and the tissue that lines the inside of the colon.

    You May Qualify If You
    • Are between 39-75 years old
    • Have a family history of colorectal cancer in a first-degree relative or a personal history of colon polyps or a positive FIT or Cologuard screening test
    • Do not have a personal history of colorectal cancer

    Participation Involves
    • Consuming walnuts and avoiding certain foods, drinks & supplements for 3 weeks prior to your colonoscopy procedure
    • Completing dietary and activity surveys
    • Providing blood, urine, stool, and colon biopsy samples
    • Coming in for 1 or 2 study visits before your colonoscopy appointment

    • Up to $250 for study participation

    Principal Investigator: Daniel W. Rosenberg, Ph.D., Center for Molecular Oncology
    Funded By: National Institutes of Health and California Walnut Commission
    Approved By: UConn Health Institutional Review Board (#21-167SO-1)

    For more information, contact: Slawa Gajewska at 860-679-2939/