Lectures and Presentations

  • 2/15 Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Didactics Thurs

    Innovations in Sleep Surgery: Navigating the Intersection of ENT and Sleep Medicine

    Thursday, Feb. 15, 5 to 6 p.m.

    Walter Jongbloed, MD
    Division of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery
    UConn Health

    Learning Objective:  Participants will (be able to):

    1. Provide historical context of the management of sleep disorders and the history of surgical interventions to treat OSA
    2. Delineate a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of sleep disorders
    3. Emphasize an individualized approach to the surgical treatment of OSA
    4. Describe the latest advances in the surgical treatment of OSA
    5. Highlight key findings that describe a stepwise approach to sleep surgery through an interactive case series

    Outpatient Pavilion, 7th Floor, Medical Education Conference Rooms A/B/C

    Webex: https://uconnhealth.webex.com/uconnhealth/j.php?MTID=m9e9a9cb792e10dc1630520b1dd0b0bba

    *pending CME approval*

    For more information, contact: Kate Bailey at katbailey@uchc.edu