It's time for the annual Holiday Card Sale from the Pediatric Education and Service (PEdS) Group!
For those who aren’t familiar with the sale, every year we ask faculty and staff members to have their kids submit holiday-themed drawings and we vote to turn a few into cards. This year, we are supporting the PEdS-created program known as Make a Me. Through partnership with Connecticut Children's, toys are adapted to children in the hospital to reflect their individual medical conditions. Money raised through the fundraiser will be used to purchase supplies to create new toys for the children at the hospital this winter!
We will be selling the cards in the cafeteria from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, Dec. 12, through Friday, Dec. 16.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions!
Happy Holidays :)
-PEdS Fundraising Team
For more information, contact: Stephanie Akosa at