The following UHP members are in need of donations to their sick bank:
- Heidi Noonan, UMG-General Neurology
- Darryline Lopez, Neag Comprehensive Cancer Center
Anyone willing to donate please complete the UHP Sick Bank Form, sign it, and fax to HR at 860-679-4660 or to the UHP office at 860-674-0525. Note that AAUP faculty members also have the option of donating time to UHP members.
Please know that confidentiality and dignity are protected and the recipients are not notified by HR or UHP of the names of the donors. Please know that anyone who receives donated time is thankful your kindness and generosity.
If you have any problem obtaining the sick bank form, call the union office at 860-676-8444.
For more information, contact: UHP at 860-676-8444