Technology and Computing

  • Office 365 Upgrade

    The Microsoft Office 365 install is coming soon to all PC users at UConn Health who have not already upgraded. You have the ability to download Office 365 which includes Microsoft Teams, OneDrive, and upgrades to the Microsoft Office products you currently use today.

    This new release is critical to ensure the UCHC community has access to the latest functionality for communication and collaboration.

    Information Technology is upgrading University-owned PC computers through the Microsoft Software Center through November and December.

    On the week your computer is scheduled, you will be prompted to install this update by a pop-up in the bottom right of your computer screen, letting you know it is now available. You will receive three requests to schedule your install of Office 365 if you haven't already upgraded to Microsoft Office 365. On the fourth request, O365 will be installed systematically after 60 minutes. The install is expected to take 30 minutes and your computer will be automatically restarted. 

    Mac users: This update does not impact your computer and no action is needed.

    You can open the Software Center and select Operating Systems to begin your upgrade. See instructions for using the Software Center. If you do not run the update within four days, your computer will be automatically updated and restarted.

    Please reach out to the IT Service Desk at x4400 with any questions or concerns.

    For more information, contact: Office 365 Team at