Reciprocal Tuition Requests for URI and UMaine at Orono – FALL 2018 – DUE 6/1/18
Reciprocal Tuition Requests for dependent children of faculty members, managerial/confidential exclusions, and UHP employees are due in Human Resources for the Fall 2018 Semester by Friday, June 1, 2018.
Please forward all Reciprocal Tuition Requests to:
Human Resources, Attn: Teri Chasse
MC 4035
fax: (860) 679-4660
Please note, this form only applies the children attending URI or UMaine at Orono. Employees with children attending UCONN will apply for the tuition waiver on-line.
The Reciprocal TuitionRequest form is available on the Human Resources’ website:
Please note, the student ID number must be included on the tuition application. Student ID numbers can be obtained from the Admissions Office.
Key Points:
- The benefit allows for the waiver of out-of-state tuition only. Students are expected to pay the in-state tuition cost along with any additional fees charged.
- A separate Reciprocal Tuition Request form must be submitted for each child for each semester.
- A separate Reciprocal Tuition Request form must be submitted for each campus.
- The eligible employee must be employed at least 50%.
- Dependent children must be less than 24 years of age in the calendar year in which they will receive tuition at the in-state rate.
- The Reciprocal Tuition program does not apply to Summer sessions.
- The dependent child must be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program.
For more information, contact: Teri Chasse at